True,authentic private repentance,
worship, prayer, and study
to our loving grace filled
Triune God will fill us to
overflowing with gifts of grace,
truth, mercy, patience, courage
gentleness, boldness, and love!
Such are the Godly Gifts that
are not ours but come from the very
throne room of our God and King of Kings!

May we always run to Christ first!
May we always run to prayer!
May we always run to worship!
May we always run to study!
May we always run to repentance!
May we always run to the mighty
word of our most Holy God!
May we always run to obey our
Triune God precious people
of God and He alone will
raise us up and fill us
up with the Sprit of our
God so we can joyously
and victoriously proclaim
His good news and
His unconditional love
to all who see their sin
to all who see their need
for a Savior who died
on the Cross..for them!